Terms and Conditions
These terms and conditions cover any event by SEND IT EVENTS Limited and will hereafter be called “the event”. By registering to take part in the event you are agreeing to the following conditions of entry and any instructions given to you by the organisers, officials and marshals before, during or after the event.
– You must be at least 14 years of age on the date of the event to take part.
– You will pay the Send It Events non-refundable registration fee when registering. The registration fee is set out on the website / www.SiEntries.co.uk. / Your place is not secured until this fee is received.
– Your entry is for the event on the given dates only. After 14 days no refunds or deferrals are available. No transfers to other events are available. You MUST practice events that have practice days assigned.
– Registration places are sold on a standard entry basis.
- Sign on for the event will close at 10.30 am on Saturday 20th September. If you fail to sign on by this time you will not be allowed to start the event.
– You are responsible for ensuring that you have the appropriate level of fitness and skill to participate in the event. You are strongly advised to consult a doctor before undertaking any strenuous exercise or training programme, or participating in the event.
– You are taking part in the event at your own risk. The organisers (Send it Events ltd ) will have no responsibility for any risk, loss or costs which you incur in connection with the event and you will indemnify the organisers and any persons acting on their behalf for any risk, damages, loss or costs arising as a result of your participation in the event. It is your responsibility to obtain any necessary personal insurance in connection with the event.
– Prior to and during the event you will be responsible for your own safety, you will take all reasonable care to ensure the safety of other participants and you will comply promptly with all instructions and guidelines given by the organisers and any persons acting on their behalf. You must not deviate from the official route which will be marked with the event signage from start to finish. There will be marshals located on the route and all volunteers and staff involved in the event will be clearly identifiable.
– As some of the events will have a route which follows and/or crosses a road, all participants must follow the event organiser’s route directions and requests at all times.
– All participants will be given an event identification number at registration, which must be displayed for identification at all times.
– You are responsible for returning any electronic timing device if issued. Missing devices will be charged back to the participant.
– You must be aware of the check in procedures at checkpoints, if required. If you retire from the event you must inform the marshals at that checkpoint or call Event Control if retiring between checkpoints. This is particularly important as otherwise we must come looking for you which wastes valuable event resources.
– The event may be subject to cut-off times which will be within the event notes or decided by the event organisers on the day. It is essential that participants abide by the cut-off time. In the event of severe weather, these cut-off times can be amended for the safety of participants, staff and volunteers.
– The event will have a compulsory kit list as detailed on the website and in the event notes set out. You must comply with this kit list and failure to do so could result in expulsion from the event.
– The organisers reserve the right to change this list should it be considered appropriate for participant safety. There will be spot compulsory kit inspections and participants not complying with the compulsory kit will be disqualified from the event.
– The organisers reserve the right to terminate an individual’s participation on health and safety grounds. The event will take place regardless of bad weather and will only be cancelled, rerouted or stopped for reasons of safety. Entry fees, however, are not refundable.
– In the course of registering and participating in the event we will collect personal data from you. We may process and use the personal data collected for event purposes. Your personal data will not be used for marketing. We will never pass your data to a third party apart from for medical reasons.
– Photos taken during the event by our official photographer(s) may be used in the event marketing literature.
– All participants enter into the event of their own will, understanding the arduous nature of the event. As such they must be medically fit to participate and take full responsibility for their own personal health and fitness.
– There will be random kit checks prior to and during the event.
– Throughout the event, participants will be checked for their suitability to continue on grounds of capability, including their equipment and state of health. If any of the marshals and medical staff believe that the safety of the individual will be compromised by their continued participation, they reserve the right to ask that person or persons to stop. If that person or persons continue on the route they will no longer be officially participating in the event and Send it events Limited and associates take no further responsibility for their participation.
– All participants agree to abide by the terms and conditions set out in the event Safety Briefing.
– I understand and accept the attached Event Regulations and will participate entirely of my own free will.
– In the event of an accident or illness whilst taking part in this event, I hereby give permission for the medical team staff to initiate medical treatment and to inform my Next of Kin in case of hospitalisation.
– To the best of my knowledge I submit a true and accurate description of my medical history and current condition. I understand that I am taking part in an event in a remote and rural location where there will be a longer medical response time in the event of emergency. I agree to take part in this event at my own risk and will not hold the medical team responsible in the event of acute illness, injury or death.
– Participants must agree to inform Send it events Limited of any medical or other condition that might affect their ability to take part in the event. These details will be shared with the medical staff.