Naughty Northumbrian Schedule
Friday 19th Sept
15:00 Camping opens. One unit per entry but that unit can have as many friends and family as you like.
16:00-21.30 Sign on open in the barn
18:00 Bar opens
18:00 Music begins
22:00 Food closes
23:00 Bar and gate closes
Saturday 20th
07:00 Gate opens​
07:00 Food vendors open
08:00 Sign on open
10:00 Stage 1 to open
10:30 Naughty riders leave arena
12:00 Bar opens
17:30 Stage 6 closes
17:00-18:00 Live Music - Patrick Carr
20:00-21:00 Live Music - Patrick Carr
22:00 Food closes
23:00 Bar Closes
Sunday 21st
07:00 Food vendors open
07:50 First Wave gathers for timing collection
08:00 First rider wave leaves start
14:00 Bar opens
18:00 Last Riders arrive back at HQ
18:15 Podium presentation
22:00 Site Closes